Hello my friend blog readers,
I truly apologize for falling off the face of the planet for several days! This past week has been terrible for a certain 4 year old!
On Saturday the 19th, my 7 year old was running in the house and tripped and fell into a doorway and knocked his top front tooth out. Now it was loose, so not really a big deal.
Back in June, the 4 year old fell in the backyard and hit his mouth on a rock and broke one of his front teeth right in half on the diagonal. We visited the dentist every week for 2 months, and they told us that the tooth had died and that was that.
So Saturday afternoon, after the 7 year old went around bragging that the tooth fairy was going to come visit him, the 4 year old started saying that his broken tooth was hurting. I didn't think much about it, I just assumed he was wanting the same thing the older kiddo wanted. So he complained kind of off and on Sunday and Monday, but I still didn't think anything of it.
Then on Monday night the 21st he was awake almost the whole night crying that the tooth hurt very very bad and the next morning his lip was swollen, so I took him into the dentist Tuesday afternoon. Somehow the dead tooth was severely infected!
The dentist gave me a prescription for Clindamycin and told me to get it filled immediately, and don't stop it under any circumstances, it was a major infection and if we don't get it taken care of right away it would go to his brain, etc. Enter the humongous parent guilt!!!!
So we started him on the medicine and it made him so sick, he went 2 days without eating anything and just crying that his tummy hurt and when we would give him the medicine he would immediately throw up. It was horrible. I finally got a hold of the dentist and he switched the antibiotics and things are so much better now!
BUT on Friday we have to go in and have the tooth extracted... the 4 year old is THRILLED!!! He has a countdown going on for when the tooth fairy will visit him!! So that's where I have been!!! I'm back and I have 2 book reviews and a craft to show you... hopefully I will get those blogged either today or tomorrow!!!!
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