Wednesday, November 9, 2011

What have I done today... Reading edition

So I finished another book, I have to admit though it was just kind of... meh (which is an official book reviewing term, in case you were wondering ::wink wink::

The book I finished is The One that I Want by Allison Winn Scotch.  Now don't get me wrong, I love myself a good chick lit book every once in a while to lighten things if I've been reading a lot of heavy, dark, or "deep" books.  This book just seemed to be like it was trying to be chick lit, but also trying to be a little deeper than a chick lit book, and it just didn't work so much for me.

The book was very well-written, and did keep my attention, but the main character starts having "visions" of the future so it went from a fun, believable, chick lit book to a somewhat silly unbelievable book.  But if you like that kind of thing, then I highly recommend this book!!

Thanks for reading and now back to reading... I have a lot to finish... here's a picture just of the books that I requested from the library this week!!!!

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